Renowned series such as "Establishment Osman" and "Resurrection Ertuğrul" were filmed at the Bozdağ Film Studio, Turkey's largest movie studio. This studio is renowned for its elaborate sets that recreate historical Ottoman and Byzantine-era architecture, attracting tourists eager to explore these immersive environments. Visitors enjoy the opportunity to take photos with actors dressed in traditional Ottoman attire and experience thrilling horseback stunt performances.
The rise in global popularity of Turkish TV dramas, or “dizi”, has established Turkey as a leading exporter of TV series. The success of these dramas is drawing tourists from around the world to Istanbul. For example, Finnish traveler Riia Toivanen, who enjoys shows like "Kara Para Ask" and "Kara Sevda", visited the Istanbul-based studio to experience the sets and scenes she has long admired.
Similarly, 66-year-old Argentine retired teacher Raquel Greco, who has been watching Turkish romantic comedies, traveled to Istanbul to see the landmarks she had seen on screen. Greco described her visit as a dream come true, expressing her amazement at experiencing the locations she had previously only seen on television.
According to Parrot Analytics, between 2020 and 2023, the global demand for Turkish series surged by 184%, positioning Turkey as a major player in the global TV market. This increased visibility has also amplified Turkey’s soft power on the international stage.
Dr. Deniz Gurgen Atalay, Assistant Professor of Film and TV at Bahcesehir University, notes that the intense global interest in Turkish dramas has embedded the country deeply into popular culture, enhancing its reputation.
Izzet Pinto, CEO of Global Agency, which handles the international distribution of Turkish dramas, highlights the impressive reach of these shows, stating that they engage over 400 million viewers worldwide each night. Pinto emphasizes that the cultural influence achieved through these dramas far surpasses traditional political influence.
While content from the US and Britain continues to dominate globally, the success of Turkish and Korean content has inspired other nations to aspire to similar international acclaim.